Thursday, April 26, 2012

Monk Seal Hunting at Kaena Point

You know how they say when finals is here, everything else just seems more interesting, as long as it's not about studying. So yes, I've decided to blog about my monk seal hunting experience that happened aeons ago.

It was one of those weekends with the perfect weather. I was so glad of the ample sunshine that day until I realised the hike was just a long walk on a flat path all the way to the tip of this island. Thank god for sunscreen and so I managed to survive.

Seeing water and the perfect shade of blue sky just makes me want to stay.

Spotted sea cucumber as well, it elongates after a while. Yuck, I know and it squirts water too.

Finally the main character for the day, monk seal. Spotted 3 monk seals sunbathing way down the cliff on our way back. Hiked down and manage to take a few shots before my camera died.

This hike was also the last time I swam in a tide pool. Totally wasn't prepared to get into the water and so the girls swam with their bras on. Kick ass experience and you won't see me doing that ever again, I hope. HAH!

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