Sunday, January 8, 2012

And so this marks my first week

Hang out at Waikiki beach yesterday again with my telephoto lens and 50mm. Got to shoot some landscape shots, pretty satisfied with some of it.

I've been a week here in Hawai'i and I finally got my bus pass. That means more exploration to do since now I can take the bus for free, instead of having to pay $2.50 every time I take it.

Finally had good food at one of the diner nearby my dorm. It's still Saturday here and the weather today is fantabulous! While on the way back, I tried walking with my eyes closed, felt insanely great.

Off to Chinatown today with the exchanges from Hong Kong. Looking forward to start the classes and feel lost while finding classrooms next week.


  1. Beautiful photos. I especially love the one with the sunglasses in at the top x

  2. would love to read more about Hawaii!

  3. Thanks Sophi :)

    Hahah! Will do ann, gathering the photos now. :)

  4. I love the shot of the wayfarers :)
